Kids birthday party food with a twist

One of the biggest aspects of planning a party at home is the menu. I love party food and am all for the classics. I can’t get enough of sausage rolls! But if you want your food to be a stand out then here’s some ideas for putting a twist on your party food. It will be fun to eat and look amazing. Something all the guests will remember! And putting a twist on your food doesn’t have to be hard.

To eat

Fairy bread sushi – fairy bread is a staple at most parties and lets face it there is a reason why! It’s yummy and easy to make. Why not turn it into sushi rolls for a new look. Just cut into strips and roll up and voila you now have sushi rolls! You can also try other colour sprinkles (you don’t only have to use hundreds and thousands). You can use sprinkles to suit your party theme. 

Rainbow fruit cups in a champagne glass – if you are having older kids throw some fruit into champagne classes and throw some whip cream on top. It’s a way of servicing fruit in a very posh manner. You can also put them into tea cups for a beautiful look. It’s a way of putting a fancy look on a dependable party food!

Chocolate fondue- who doesn’t love dipping things into chocolate! You can pick up fondue pots relatively cheap and then the kids can dip away. It can be messy but the kids love it. Use fruit and anything else your little one may like to dip. Also you can add things for them to put on after a dipping – sprinkles, nuts (if no one has allergies).

Petrie dish jelly – this is a great one I’ve seen at science parties. get some cheap plastic petrie dishes and put your jelly in that – throw some sprinkles in to look like bacteria andthere you have it some disgusting but delicious jelly on offer!

Sandwiches cut with cookie cutters –  a simple way to make your sandwhiches a bit more exciting is to cut them out with cookie cutters. Pick some shapes that suit your party themes and put them together. They will look amazing and taste brilliant.

Name place cookies – every child loves seeing their name. leave a spot on your cookies for kids to add their names or you can add them ahead of time. Yummy and thoughtful.

Salt and sweet – salt and sweet go sooooo well together. One of my favourites is chocolate covered pretzels. These are simply divine. You get the best of both worlds when you put chocolate and salt together (disclaimer – this is not a healthy eating blog post today – parties are the one time you can over indulge!


Shirley temple in a jar – Shirley temples go way back. This is a nice way to create nostalgia by sharing this drink with your kids if they have never had one. Add it in a mason jar for a gorgeous looking drink. Add any drink to a mason jar for a classy looking refreshment area. I love mason jars!

Unicorn milkshakes – if you haven’t seen these check them out by Sugar Hero. The most beautiful milkshakes I’ve seen. Milkshakes are fun and so yummy.

Rainbow juice or smoothie – fill a glass with all the colours of the rainbow. Or just fill a jar with pink lemonade but call it rainbow juice. Kids love to use their imaginations so put a twist on the drink just by adding some excitement to the name of it!

Fun ice cubes – for a bit of fun freeze your ice cubes with lollies or sprinkles in them. They look fun and turn a drink into an experience.

Sprinkle rimmed glasses – while us adults may like a bit of salt on our rims – kids can have sprinkle rimmed glasses. They look pretty and taste great. Kids will love them.

So why not add a bit of a twist to your next party food. Easy to do and look amazing. Happy party planning.

Looking for entertainment? You throw your energy into the food and we can take care of your entertainment. Throw a jewellery making party and have your fun snacks in the break!